How to Easily Design the Perfect Dining Room

When designing a Dining Room, the RS Mannino Architect Design and Build Team, will base the room design around their client’s desired flow and function of the room.

For a Dining Room table, the ideal distance between table and wall is 48 inches. This particular Dining Room was 13 feet wide, which created a very comfortable size room, giving more than 48 inch clearance from the edge of the table to the wall.  This home owner was able to achieve a 57 inch clearance, allowing for ample flow around the table and a great entertaining space!

As a rule of thumb, most dining room tables are between 36 inches to 40 inches wide. So if you have 48 inches on each side, plus a 36 inch table, your minimum dining room width should be 11 feet. The architects at RS Mannino always design dining rooms at a minimum of 12 feet. They remind their clients to keep in mind this does not include furniture. Ideally, the dining room will be designed with a credenza or china cabinet on at least one side. The design team will then take into account the depth of the furniture when designing the room.

When starting down the path to your next home renovation, make sure to turn to Rosario Mannino of RS Mannino for all your architectural and design needs!
